as a prerequisite for 意味

  • 前提条件として


  1. as a prerequisite for economic growth .
  2. then , the imperial court demanded , as an initial measure , the two candidates for shogunate to donate 10 ,000 hiki (100 kan ) of money as a prerequisite for the requested appointment .
  3. this is due to the fact that , as a prerequisite for world heritage registration , each item or site being registered is desired to be already under the protection of the laws of its origin county as a cultural asset , so the exceptional step was taken of designating the warehouse a national treasure .
  4. this is due to the fact that , as a prerequisite for world heritage registration , each item or site being registered is desired to be already under the protection of the laws of its origin county as a cultural asset , so the exceptional step was taken of designating the warehouse a national treasure .


        prerequisite:     1prerequisite n. 必要条件. 【動詞+】 The company imposes these prerequisites on its new employees. その会社は新入社員にこれらの必要条件を課している Becoming a millionaire requires no prerequisite other than determinati
        prerequisite for:    ~の必要条件{ひつよう じょうけん}、~の前提条件{ぜんてい じょうけん}
        absolute prerequisite:    絶対的必須条件{ぜったい てき ひっす じょうけん}
        emphasize the prerequisite of:    ~の前提条件{ぜんてい じょうけん}を重視{じゅうし}する
        essential prerequisite:    必須{ひっす}の[欠かせない]前提条件{ぜんてい じょうけん}
        first prerequisite:    第一条件{だいいち じょうけん}
        have the prerequisite:    必要{ひつよう}[必須{ひっす}?前提{ぜんてい}]条件{じょうけん}を満たしている
        prerequisite analysis:    必須{ひっす}の分析{ぶんせき}
        prerequisite calibration:    prerequisite calibration 前もって行うことが必要な較正
        prerequisite condition:    必須条件{ひっすう じょうけん}
        prerequisite course:    必修科目{ひっしゅう かもく}◆ある課目を受講するために事前に履修しておかなければならない科目のこと。
        prerequisite for growth:    成長{せいちょう}への必要条件{ひつよう じょうけん}
        prerequisite for success:    成功{せいこう}の必要条件{ひつよう じょうけん}
        prerequisite for the job:    その仕事の必須条件
        prerequisite knowledge:    prerequisite knowledge 予備知識 よびちしき


  1. "as a preliminary" 意味
  2. "as a preliminary definition" 意味
  3. "as a preliminary step" 意味
  4. "as a prelude to" 意味
  5. "as a preparatory exercise" 意味
  6. "as a primary defensive measure" 意味
  7. "as a principal" 意味
  8. "as a principal member of the international community" 意味
  9. "as a prisoner of war he suffered terrible treatment at their hands" 意味
  10. "as a prelude to" 意味
  11. "as a preparatory exercise" 意味
  12. "as a primary defensive measure" 意味
  13. "as a principal" 意味

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